Diet Tips: Exercise to Burn Fat Just In Time 4 Minutes

Busy with the daily routine of making a lot of people complaining do not have time to exercise or fitness classes. But, for the worker you busy but still want to exercise regularly, it would not hurt you to try the sport Tabata.

Tabata is a type of high-intensity exercise is only done for a few minutes but it promises to burn calories as when you are jogging or cycling.

Tabata sport became one of the popular sports today. Methods of exercise done just by spending four minutes. You can try to do a sprint for 30 seconds or 20 seconds and then resume jogging for 10 seconds.

Or, you can try jumping jacks 20 seconds followed jog for 10 seconds. Do this exercise over and over again up to 8 times. Tabata sport associated with almost all types of cardio exercise, such as running, swimming, cycling, or skipping.

"This sport can improve your maximum oxygen consumption up to 14%. Oxygen consumption can help eliminate fat and build muscle in the body," said Professor Izumi Tabata, Tabata Training owner in Japan, quoted from various sources.

However, because Tabata is a type of high-intensity exercise, you should not ignore the warm-up before doing so. Heating for 10 minutes is highly recommended for you. In addition, cooling after doing Tabata also not be forgotten. Tabata has finished, do the cooling for 10 minutes to normalize your heart rate.

Unfortunately, because this sport is quite extreme, so not everyone can do it. For those of you who are beginners, doing other cardio exercises at least once a week for the body to be better equipped to perform this exercise.

Hopefully these information are shared about Exercise to Burn Fat Just In Time 4 Minutes can give you knowledge. Thank you for visiting my blog, and don't forget to give me your comment :D
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