How to prevent hair loss naturally

Your hair fall out? Follow these 3 tips to prevent hair loss following. When your teen years, the problem of hair loss is usually not be something that feels so disturbing. We used to think, anyway, there is still time to do hair treatment. Preteen or teen is time to enjoy the grace of God over all functions of the body that is at peak periods. However, if you start stepping age 30 years, hair loss becomes so scary. Not to mention that gray hair tucked here and there. Although little, but enough to thrill the confidence of a person.

What is the cause of hair loss?

Healthy hair, keep losing. Reference is basically when the approximate number of strands of hair loss is not more than 100 -150 strands per day, it's normal. If it is, the problem of hair loss has begun to emerge. The reason? Could be because it has heredity, hormones are not balanced, the wrong diet, consumption of certain drugs, undergoing chemotherapy. But most often it is due to our own fault treating, for example, using hair products made from harsh chemicals.

How to prevent hair loss naturally

Usually the most often suggested is to undergo a series of special treatment of hair loss. For example, by wearing a hair tonic or something. There also are so fanatical using a particular brand shampoos that claim to prevent hair loss because they contain ingredients such and such, coupled with a conditioner that can be so-so. Effective is it? Not necessarily.

In general, people that believe in cosmetic products for hair loss because they can outsource good in almost all possible media. And all advertising models hair beauty products that are good from the outset.

Which is often overlooked is our own efforts to meet the needs of the hair to life with the good. Well, Mag for Women wrote 3 basic tips to prevent hair loss, such as the following:

Consumption of foods rich in nutrients

Consuming a healthy and balanced diet rich in supplements and other nutrients needed hair is very important to prevent hair loss. Basically the causes of hair loss can be due to deficiency of hair keratin, which makes hair brittle and easily broken. To strengthen the hair follicles consume high protein food, and contains calcium and vitamins to strengthen it.

The types of food consumed for hair health, among others, milk, eggs, nuts and a variety of dairy products such as cheese. And avoid dehydration with water intake 8-10 meet daily to prevent dry scalp and hair is fragile.

Avoid hair care products with harsh chemicals

Before choosing hair care products noticed ingredients contained therein. Due to the use of chemicals products which contained apes can damage hair follicles. Excessive use of harsh products directly damage the hair follicle, and even cause permanent damage in some cases. Examples of similar harsh chemicals can damage sulfate excessive moisture and natural oils in the hair and scalp.

Routine health checks hair and perform a scalp massage

Hair loss can occur due to hormonal problems and unbalanced nutrition. Hair health check can be done through inspection hormones and nutrients to help prevent hair loss. Besides doing regular massage the scalp with olive oil can make hair strong, not easy to break and fall. This treatment once a week, the results can be make hair healthy, strong and shiny.

How? Still worried about your hair loss? If it is, try running the three tips above. And hopefully, at least you can reduce the amount of hair that fall every day, and certainly could enjoy the beauty of your hair longer.
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