Negative impact of revenge for health

Each person must have a problem with someone else comes up not infrequently revenge on the person concerned. If that's what you feel, should please remove the feeling of revenge in my heart for not realizing it, grudge no adverse health effects. 

"Many studies show that holding grudges and always a negative feeling bad for your mental health disorders such as anxiety and frustration," said  Dr. Seth Meyers PsyD as clinical psychologist.

In the journal Psychological Science, for example, found when study participants thought about the bad behavior of others, they have the power of negative emotions and greater stress response seen from the pulse and blood pressure higher. 

Negative impact of revenge for health"Precisely by forgiving our feelings so do not stress. Far considered only revenge in mind and our mental but our bodies will be affected," said Dr. Meyer quoted from page

He added, according to a study from the Medical College of Georgia, people who claim to have a grudge for years had an increased risk of several health problems including heart disease, hypertension, headaches, ulcers, and back pain.

So as not easy to hold grudges, Dr. Meyer said that when there is a problem with someone, make sure whether the person meant for you. If yes, it's good to talk about what makes you upset, disappointed, and angry to have revenge on that person. 

Conversely, if the person is found to be very influential in your life, Dr. Meyer suggested forgive that person. Although recognized Dr. Meyer is difficult to forgive someone. 

"At least people do not think about it again and keep good relationships intertwine with her. If you are still annoyed if met with him, try to dodge while. Still, many other things that you should think," by Dr. Meyer.
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