Healthy Info: 5 fruits for Getting natural beauty and healthy

Healthy skin and Beauty can be obtained not only from the high-tech beauty products. Fruits are also no less efficacious when used regularly. 

Fruits anything that can make a beautiful and smooth skin naturally?

1. Strawberries 

Very large contribution to the beauty that is useful because it contains antioxidants to fight free radicals. Thus helping to improve the condition of skin due to pollution, tackle dull skin, shrink pores and brighten the skin. Use as a simple mask which is easily done at home with the children.

Healthy Info: 5 fruits for Getting natural beauty and healthy

2. Apples 
Has many benefits for beauty, which moisturizes and refreshes the skin and hair, trick, use apple juice on the last rinse while washing the hair to prevent dandruff. Or, add the apple juice into the water bath to cleanse and soften the skin.

Healthy Info: 5 fruits for Getting natural beauty and healthy

Pectin contained in apples is also effective against acne. In addition, Apple also has tannins to beautify the teeth and freshen breath.

3. Lemon 
Healthy Info: 5 fruits for Getting natural beauty and healthy

Use lemon slices to soften rough skin on heels and elbows. Lemon is also believed to eliminate black spots, acne scars and blemishes attenuate scars.

4. Papaya 
Healthy Info: 5 fruits for Getting natural beauty and healthy

Rich in the enzyme papain and vitamin A is efficacious shed dead skin cells. mashed papaya mix with 3 tablespoons of aloe vera for use as an all over body scrub once a month.

5. Cucumber 

Healthy Info: 5 fruits for Getting natural beauty and healthy

Content of 90% water in the cucumber make skin look fresh always. Minerals and potassium which are also contained in the cucumber helps in the metabolism and growth of new skin cells as well as moisturize dry scaly skin due to dehydration.

Hopefully these info are shared about 5 fruits for Getting natural beauty and healthy can give you more knowledge. Thank you for visiting my blog.
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