Healthy Tips: Maintaining health of children that are not easily hurt

Maintain the health of our baby is very important because our son is successor to the nation and religion will be the leader of the nation in the future. This is tips from me about an easy way to maintain the health of children :

A. Eating patterns 

The mean eating patterns is the need of nutrients, vitamins and other food fulfilled with 4 healthy 5 perfect. besides meals a day should be fit or ideal means do not go overboard or less then than it should fit.

B. keep it clean 

in a dirty germs and germs multiply rapidly, Therefore you as parents MUST keep it clean like:
1. maintain the cleanliness and health of teeth.
2. keep clean nails and the other's body members.
3. keep clean clothes.

Healthy Tips: Maintaining health of children that are not easily hurt

C. adequate rest 

break is the process to ease the burden of the brain, but it is also the child's body growth also occurs at rest. sleep 8 hours a day is enough for a child.

D. fast-acting 

fast acting quickly means you must handle it if your child is experiencing symptoms such as headache, cough, fever or other diseases that are not too late.
teach children to live a healthy life it is easy if you know how. to teach children to always maintain the cleanliness such as washing hands before eating or the other, God willing your child can be maintained and resistant to many diseases, especially during this time of transition season. I hope the article with the title How to maintain the health of children in order not to get sick can be useful for you especially for your baby as a potential successor to the nation and the religion of the future.\

Hopefully these tips are shared about Maintaining health of children that are not easily hurt can give you more knowledge. Thank you for visiting my blog.
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